Brian Stutzman Giving Society
During his 18 year tenure, Brian helped lead YPN into a brighter future of positive change and growth. He planted many seeds, some of which are just now bearing fruit. Similarly, YPN’s Building Bright Futures program helps to plant seeds of support, education, and empowerment for each and every person who walks through our doors. Over the course of a participant’s time with YPN, they are nurtured, supported, and encouraged to grow – to be the best version of themselves for their family and for their future.
As we plan for YPN’s future, it is imperative that we think long-term and strategically to ensure young families in Eastern Iowa continue to have access to quality programs and services. Giving Society Members have the opportunity to create a lasting legacy by investing in the future of our community. We invite you to review the giving levels below and set up a one-time, annual, or monthly contribution, which will have lasting impact on YPN programs for local families.

These are some of the ways that your financial contribution can support our mission:
$5,000 YPN Legacy Level could:
- Provide annual celebration events for participants and their families
- Purchase 29,000 diapers to help keep babies dry and healthy
- Purchase programming for preschool children during Building Bright Futures
$2,500 YPN Advocate Level could:
- Provide 14,700 diapers to help keep babies dry and healthy
- Purchase 25 car seats and provide installation training for families in need
$1,000 YPN Oak Level could:
- Provide 5,800 diapers to help keep babies dry and healthy
- Curriculum materials/binders for participants to take home and review discussions
$500 YPN Goldfinch Level could:
- Provide 2,900 diapers to help keep babies dry and healthy
Special thanks to our FY24 Brian Stutzman Giving Society members

If you are interested in joining YPN on our mission please complete the form below and our Director of Advancement, Kim Hanna, will be in touch with you as soon as possible.